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Real world problem for monads. RUS

07 July 2014 – Karelia

Sometimes we need to use long running workflows in our applications. Workflow execution can take a lot of time and has asynchronous nature. For an example: after document creation we must send email to a manager, with a link to a page for document publication. This is a very simple example, in real world apps workflows could be very complicated. Typical case is an internet store and workflow of purchase of goods. We have some ready to use solutions like Microsoft Workflow Foundation. But for some applications it is an overkill. Often we don’t want to allow users to create and edit workflows and want to use very simple(for developers) solutions, with all the power of static type checking. Lets write a requirements list.

  1. Workflow description should looks like a plain c# function.
  2. Workflow is a composition of activities and other workflows.
  3. Activity describes what should be done in therms of domain model and should be represented as a POCO class.
  4. Workflow execution and translation of activities to a real code should not be done by a workflow, but by some executor entity,which is orthogonal to workflows.
  5. Workflow serialisation should be easy and without black magic like serialisation of expression trees and enumerators.
  6. Ability to see current workflow state and all results of executed activities.
  7. Ability to extend workflow engine by other features like timeouts, last activity undo and so on.

Lets start and define classes of activities.

public class Action
//show some text to user
public class Show : Action
	public string What {
//show some text to user and ask a value of specified type
public class Ask<T> : Action
	public string What {

Action is a base class for all activities. Ask and Show just two examples of concrete activities. So far so good. Next stop is a storage class.

public class Storage
	static JsonSerializerSettings settings;
	static Storage ()
		settings = new JsonSerializerSettings ();
	public static void Save<T> (T wrkfl, String name)
		var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (wrkfl, settings);
		File.WriteAllText (name, json);
	public static T Load<T> (string name)
		where T:new()
		if (File.Exists (name)) {
			var json = File.ReadAllText (name);
			return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T> (json, settings);
		return new T ();

Very simple helper class, which serialises objects to json on a file system and vice versa. Now we should define workflow class. We probably will use workflows in this way:

  1. Define a workflow
  2. Create the workflow instance, probably with some params.
  3. Invoke Execute Method
  4. Check result, it could be some activity for execution or final result. In case of final result we can stop, but in other case we should execute returned activity.
  5. Save workflow into storage.
  6. On activity response, load workflow from storage and add a result.
  7. Go to step 2

Lets describe it in code and specify behaviour of Ask and Show commands.

public class Unit//no result object
	Unit ()
	public static Unit Value = new Unit ();
public class WorkflowStep<T>
	public WorkflowStep (Action act)
	public WorkflowStep (T value)
	public Action Action {
		private set;
	public bool IsExecuted ()
	public T GetValue ()
public abstract class Workflow<TB>
	protected WorkflowStep<T> Do<T> (Action act)
		var step = new WorkflowStep<T> (act);
		return step;
	protected WorkflowStep<T> Ask<T> (String what)
		return Do<T> (new Ask<T> (){ What = what });
	protected WorkflowStep<Unit> Show (String what)
		return Do<Unit> (new Show (){ What = what });
	public abstract WorkflowStep<TB> GetResult ();
public class SumWorkflow:Workflow<int>
	public SumWorkflow ()
	// not correct c# code
	public override WorkflowStep<int> GetResult ()
		var a = Ask<int> ("enter a");
		var b = Ask<int> ("enter b");
		var res = a + b;
		Show ("Result= " + res);
		return res;
class MainClass
	public static void Main (string[] args)
		var fileName = "workflow.json";
		var wrkfl = Storage.Load<SumWorkflow> (fileName);
		Console.WriteLine ("Current workflow state");
		var res = wrkfl.GetResult ();
		if (res.IsExecuted ()) {
			Console.WriteLine ("Finished");
			File.Delete (fileName);
		} else {
			if (res.Action is Show) {
				Console.WriteLine ((res.Action as Show).What);
				wrkfl.AddResult (Unit.Value);
			} else if (res.Action is Ask<int>) {
				Console.WriteLine ((res.Action as Ask<int>).What);
				var resp = Console.ReadLine ();
				var val = int.Parse (resp);
				wrkfl.AddResult (val);
			Storage.Save (wrkfl, fileName);

GetResult method is the essence of our solution, but it will not work in required way. Lets exam that function line by line and add descriptions of required behaviour.

var a = Ask<int> ("enter a");
//check if we alredy have result of of this action, set it to "a" 
//variable and continue execution, othervice break 
//execution and return action. This line doesn’t depend on any data.

var b = Ask<int> ("enter b");
//Behaviour is the same, but it depends on previous result from "a" variable
//(we don't want to execute this lines in parallel).

var res = a + b;
Show ("Result= " + res);
//first line should be executed as a standard c# code. 
//We could add it to a second "Show" line and use together. 
//Behaviour the same as for Ask action, but depends on Tuple(a,b)

return res;
//simply return result and mark it as finished

Now we can express it in a real code

var a = Ask<int> ("enter a");
if (!a.IsExecuted ()) {
	return new WorkflowStep<WORKFLOWRESTYPE> (a.Action);
var aValue = a.GetValue ();
var b = Ask<int> ("enter b");
if (!b.IsExecuted ()) {
	return new WorkflowStep<WORKFLOWRESTYPE> (b.Action);
var bValue = b.GetValue ();
var res = aValue + bValue;
var c = Show ("Result= " + res);
if (!c.IsExecuted ()) {
	return new WorkflowStep<WORKFLOWRESTYPE> (c.Action);
return new WorkflowStep<WORKFLOWRESTYPE> (res){IsExecuted = true};;

We could wrap return boilerplate into a return function, but we can’t wrap “if .. return ..” constructions into some helper function. Continuations to the rescue.

public class WorkflowStep<T>
	public WorkflowStep<TB> Bind<TB> (Func<T,WorkflowStep<TB>> f)
		if (this.IsExecuted ()) {
			return f (this.GetValue ());
		return new WorkflowStep<TB> (this.Action, this.Context, this.Index);
	public static WorkflowStep<TB> Return<TB> (TB x)
		return new WorkflowStep<TB> (x);

public class SumWorkflow:Workflow<int>
	public override WorkflowStep<int> GetResult ()
		Ask<int> ("enter a").Bind(
			a=> Ask<int> ("enter b").Bind(
					var res = a + b;
					return Show ("Result= " + res).Bind(
						unit => unit.Return(res)

Now everything is ok, but it doesn’t look like a plain c# function. Could we do better? Definitely yes, our return and bind functions is a monad pattern and as usual we can use linq syntactic sugar.

public static class WorkflowMonad
	public static WorkflowStep<T> Return<T> (this T value)
		return new WorkflowStep<T> (value);
	public static WorkflowStep<U> Bind<T, U> (
		this WorkflowStep<T> m, 
		Func<T, WorkflowStep<U>> k)
		if (m.IsExecuted ()) {
			return k (m.GetValue ());
		return new WorkflowStep<U> (m.Action);
	public static WorkflowStep<V> SelectMany<T, U, V> (
		this WorkflowStep<T> id,
		Func<T, WorkflowStep<U>> k,
		Func<T, U, V> s)
		return id.Bind (x => k (x).Bind (y => s (x, y).Return ()));
	public static WorkflowStep<B> Select<A, B> (
		this WorkflowStep<A> a, 
		Func<A, B> select)
		return a.Bind (aval => WorkflowMonad.Return (select (aval)));

Now we could rewrite our workflow function.

public override WorkflowStep<int> GetResult ()
	return 	from a in Ask<int> ("enter a")
	        from b in Ask<int> ("enter b")
	        let res = a + b
	        from u in Show ("Result= " + res)
	        select res;

We still don’t know hot to implement IsExecuted and GetResult functions of a WokflowStep class. We should store, somehow, results of already executed activities in workflow. We can do it by incrementally assign numbers to activities on each Action creation and use List as a storage for serialised results. We will use Execution context class which will be used to store results of executed actions and keep current action index counter.

public class ExecutionContext
	public ExecutionContext ()
		Memory = new List<string> ();
	public List<string> Memory {
	public int Index {
		private set;
	public void Restart ()
		Index = 0;
	public void Inc ()
		Index = Index + 1;

public static class SerializationHelpers
	public static T ParseValue<T> (this string json)
		return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T> (json);
	public static string ValueToString<T> (this T value)
		return JsonConvert.SerializeObject (value);

Now we must add context into Workflow and WokflowStep classes

public class WorkflowStep<T>
	public WorkflowStep (Action act, ExecutionContext context, int index)
		Action = act;
		Context = context;
		Index = index;
	public WorkflowStep (T value)
		Context.Memory.Add (value.ValueToString ());
	public ExecutionContext Context = new ExecutionContext ();
	public bool IsExecuted ()
		return (this.Index) < Context.Memory.Count;
	public T GetValue ()
		return Context.Memory [this.Index].ParseValue<T> ();
	public int Index {
public abstract class Workflow<TB>
	public Workflow ()
		Context = new ExecutionContext ();
	public Workflow (ExecutionContext ctx)
		Context = ctx;
		IsSubWorkflow = true;
	public bool IsSubWorkflow {
	public ExecutionContext Context {
	protected WorkflowStep<T> Do<T> (Action act)
		var step = new WorkflowStep<T> (act, Context, Context.Index);
		Context.Inc ();
		return step;
	protected WorkflowStep<T> Ask<T> (String what)
		return Do<T> (new Ask<T> (){ What = what });
	protected WorkflowStep<Unit> Show (String what)
		return Do<Unit> (new Show (){ What = what });
	public abstract WorkflowStep<TB> GetResultInt ();
	public WorkflowStep<TB> GetResult ()
		if (!IsSubWorkflow)
			Context.Restart ();
		return GetResultInt ();
	public void AddResult (object val)
		Context.Memory.Add (val.ValueToString ());

We have done. Lets see some composable workflow in action.

public class WorkflowComposition:Workflow<int>
	public override WorkflowStep<int> GetResultInt ()
		return 	from a in new SumWorkflow (Context).GetResult ()
		        from b in new SumWorkflow (Context).GetResult ()
		        let res = a + b
		        from v in Show ("Result of two = " + (a + b))
		        select a + b;

Hm, seems that we meet all our requirements from the list. Now we could use this engine in console apps, asp.net applications or do some cool SharePoint stuff. And monad pattern helps us to solve that problem in a beautiful way. We also can add support for loops, conditions(how), parallel execution, transactions and what ever you want. Full code for this post. P.S. Just imagine possibility to do computations over a database or web services without any IRepository, IService code bloat.

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