In the last post we described, in short, what a monad is and how we can represent it in c#. Now lets check some limitations and possible solutions of our monad implementation. Monads allow us to describe some abstract computations line by line and run them on top of container types, which implements our IMonad interface. Also in c# we can use syntactic sugar, which allows us to express that computations in a more convenient way. In fact a monad is a computer, and abstract monadic computations is a program for it. But we can ask: is our monadic computer are turing complete? Could we express any algorithm in that monadic language? And the answer is yes. Without this property IO monad in Haskell could not imitate any possible way of computation with side effects. But enough words, lets prove that by writing some code. Lets try to describe usual control flow’s expressions: “if else” and “while do” for IMonad interface and describe them in terms of bind and return members.
public static class TuringMonad
public static TR IfM<T,TM, TR> (this IMonad<bool,TM> m,
Func<TR> x,
Func<TR> y)
where TR:TM, IMonad<T,TM>
return m.Bind (a => a ? x ()
: y ()).CastM<T,TR, TM> ();
public static TR WhileM<T,TM, TR> (this TR m,
Func<T, IMonad<bool,TM>> p,
Func<T, TR> step)
where TR : TM, IMonad<T,TM>
var res = m.Bind (x =>
p (x).IfM<T,TM,TR> (() =>
step (x).WhileM (p, step), () =>
m.Return<T> (x).CastM<T,TR, TM> ()
return res.CastM<T,TR, TM> ();
public static TR AndM<TM, TR> (this TR x, TR y)
where TR:TM, IMonad<bool,TM>
return x.IfM<bool,TM,TR> (
() => y,
() => x.Return (false)
.CastM<bool,TR, TM> ()
public static TR OrM<TM, TR> (this TR x, TR y)
where TR:TM, IMonad<bool,TM>
return x.IfM<bool,TM,TR> (
() => x.Return (true).CastM<bool,TR, TM> (),
() => y
public static TR NotM<TM, TR> (this TR m)
where TR:TM, IMonad<bool,TM>
var res = m.Bind (x => m.Return (!x));
return res.CastM<bool,TR, TM> ();
Now we can express any possible control flow for IMonad interface. Lets for example extend our last example for monad Async < Check < > >.
//class representation of void result
public class Unit
Unit ()
public static Unit Value = new Unit ();
public static Unit Start ()
return Value;
public class MainClass{
//helper methods
static CheckForT<Async>.CheckT<T> Return<T> (T val)
Func<T,Task<T>> f = t => Task<T>.FromResult (t);
return Lift (() => f (val)) ();
static T Head<T> (List<T> lst)
return lst [0];
static List<T> Tail<T> (List<T> lst)
lst.RemoveAt (0);
return lst;
static void Main (string[] args)
//expected Check<Test> but Check<Check<Test>>
Func<string, CheckForT<Async>.CheckT<string>> getData =
addr => Lift (() => GetData (addr)) ();
Func<string, CheckForT<Async>.CheckT<Unit>> print =
str => {
Console.WriteLine (str);
return Return (Unit.Value);
Func<List<String>, CheckForT<Async>.CheckT<List<String>>>
checkHeadAndReturnTail =
adressList => {
var res =
from address in Return (Head (adressList))
//from unit in print ("Checking address:" + address)
from response in getData (Head (adressList))
//from unit2 in print ("Checked address:" + address)
select Tail (adressList);
return res.CastM<List<String>,
CheckForT<Async>> ();
IMonad<Unit, CheckForT<Async>>> whileLoop =
addrsM =>
from a in addrsM.WhileM<List<string>,
.CheckT<List<string>>> (
addrsUnwrapped =>
Return (addrsUnwrapped.Count > 0),
select Unit.Value;
var res2 =
from addrs in Return (
new List<string>{ "", "" })
let addrsM = Return (addrs)
let predicate = Return (addrs.Count == 2)
from r in predicate.IfM<Unit,
.CheckT<Unit>> (
() => whileLoop (addrsM)
CheckForT<Async>> (),
() => Return (Unit.Value))
select r;
var result =
.CastM<Unit, CheckForT<Async>.CheckT<Unit>,CheckForT<Async>> ()
.CastM<CheckedVal<Unit>, Async.AsyncM<CheckedVal<Unit>>,Async> ()
.RunSync ();
if (result.IsFailed)
Console.WriteLine ("Fail!");
Console.WriteLine ("Success!");
Console.ReadLine ();
So we can express any possible algorithm for our monads, but it is very difficult to read and understand. It would be great to have some additional support from linq to add some additional syntatic sugar. Lets check which keywords we can use in linq queries: Where, Select, SelectMany, Join, GroupJoin, OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending, GroupBy, and Cast. We can use them by implementing methods from a (list):
delegate R Func<T1,R>(T1 arg1);
delegate R Func<T1,T2,R>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
class C
public C<T> Cast<T>();
class C<T>
public C<T> Where(Func<T,bool> predicate);
public C<U> Select<U>(Func<T,U> selector);
public C<U> SelectMany<U,V>(Func<T,C<U>> selector,
Func<T,U,V> resultSelector);
public C<V> Join<U,K,V>(C<U> inner, Func<T,K> outerKeySelector,
Func<U,K> innerKeySelector, Func<T,U,V> resultSelector);
public C<V> GroupJoin<U,K,V>(C<U> inner, Func<T,K> outerKeySelector,
Func<U,K> innerKeySelector, Func<T,C<U>,V> resultSelector);
public O<T> OrderBy<K>(Func<T,K> keySelector);
public O<T> OrderByDescending<K>(Func<T,K> keySelector);
public C<G<K,T>> GroupBy<K>(Func<T,K> keySelector);
public C<G<K,E>> GroupBy<K,E>(Func<T,K> keySelector,
Func<T,E> elementSelector);
class O<T> : C<T>
public O<T> ThenBy<K>(Func<T,K> keySelector);
public O<T> ThenByDescending<K>(Func<T,K> keySelector);
class G<K,T> : C<T>
public K Key { get; }
As we can see, there is no direct representations for if and loop because linq queries was build mainly as a way to describe semantics of a language that is similar to relational and hierarchical query languages. And for some situations it is ok, but not for describing a semantics of an imperative language.
Lets sum up our observations.
And what would be great to have?
Fortunately for us, we already have all of that in dot net and this is computation expressions of fsharp language. What is a computation expression? It is a simple builder class which defines some methods(like we defined SelectMany in query expressions). After that we can use instance of this class as a name for a scope in which we can use all syntax allowed by computation expressions and it will be translated into method calls of this instance. Lets check simple example.
type MaybeBuilder() =
member this.Bind(x, f) =
match x with
| None -> None
| Some a -> f a
member this.Return(x) =
Some x
let maybe = new MaybeBuilder()
let divideBy bottom top =
if bottom = 0
then None
else Some(top/bottom)
let divideByWorkflow init x y z =
let! a = init |> divideBy x
let! b = a |> divideBy y
let! c = b |> divideBy z
return c
This code is a copy from the great “Computation Expressions” series, I strongly recommend you to read it on a site Fsharp for fun and profit. In computation expressions we could use syntax, which are very close to fsharp, but has different semantics defined by a builder. We can use a set of keywords, like let! from previous example, which is good enough to express any possible workflow. List of possible constructs includes for loops, try catch blocks, let/do bindings and so on. All predefined keywords maps into invocations of methods defined in a builder: Bind, Delay, Return, ReturnFrom, Run, Combine, For, TryFinally,TryWith, Using, While, Yield, YieldFrom, Zero. For example if we define While method in our builder then we could use while loops inside the builder scope.
some {
while predicate() do
Also we can pass builders as parameters, because they are first class citizens.
let divideByWorkflow (workflow:MaybeBuilder) init x y z =
let! a = init |> divideBy x
let! b = a |> divideBy y
let! c = b |> divideBy z
return c
And one more thing, we can define not only new semantics for existing keywords, but also can add new ones. Example from
//sample from
type SeqBuilder() =
// Standard definition for 'for' and 'yield' in sequences
member x.For (source : seq<'T>, body : 'T -> seq<'R>) =
seq { for v in source do yield! body v }
member x.Yield item =
seq { yield item }
// Define an operation 'select' that performs projection
member x.Select (source : seq<'T>,
[<ProjectionParameter>] f: 'T -> 'R)
: seq<'R> = f source
// Defines an operation 'reverse' that reverses the sequence
[<CustomOperation("reverse", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
member x.Expand (source : seq<'T>) =
List.ofSeq source |> List.rev
let mseq = SeqBuilder()
Computation expressions in fsharp meets all our needs from the list. Now we have possibility to hide all boilerplate code in a builder and inside the builder write a code that doesn’t contains technical details and could be as generic as possible. Builders allow us to define new languages with custom semantics and syntax. You should understand that computation expressions is not just a monadic sugar, like do notation in Haskell, it is a way to express new language inside our fsharp code. For example do notation in Haskell often forces people to use monad instead of more simple constructs like monoid(we will see what it is in following posts) just to use a syntactic sugar. Do notation is always turing complete, but what if we want to build some little and not turing complete language? For example a total language which has interesting property that all programs written in that language has guaranteed termination? Safe languages have not to be turing complete. Do notation can’t do that but computation expressions can. Computation expressions has their own limitations. They are not polymorphic. Our workaround will not work in fsharp, due to limitations of fsharp type system (F# does not allow type constraints involving two different type parameters). As a result we can’t express polymorphic monads and monad transformers in fsharp, but usually it is not a problem at all. We don’t need to compose different monads so often as we usually do in Haskell, where we have IO monad everywhere, and it is not a problem to build specialised builder which will combine two other builders in a much more efficient way than monad transformers and without crazy type signatures. You can look at AsyncSeq and Update builders created by Tomas Petricek. They are perfect examples of composed builders. Computation expressions is a perfect way to express some domain specific language in F#. We can define new syntax and semantics. One note is that we should use operational semantics(what keywords must do) but not denotational semantics(how keywords must be translated to other language). If you need to describe denotational semantics for a program, for example Camlex.Net which translates C# into CAML queries or FunScript which translates fsharp to JS, then you should look at expression trees and another feature of fsharp “code quotations”. But you also can combine builders with quotations or expression trees to express denotational semantics of your internal dsl defined by a builder. It will work in the same way as linq providers. For exmple linq providers to sql and xml defines denotational semantics of linq queries into sql or xpath languages. In fsharp we have QueryBuilder which works in the same way.