After publication of this post, some readers complain that example are too artificial and don’t show any advantages of monads. So if you want more interesting, but also more complicated example then you could read this post and after that return here
During migration of a small project to fsharp, I thought a lot about using monads in practice. Subject fascinated me enough and I decided to describe my experience in a couple of posts. Unfortunately all the material demanded decent knowledge of monads and monad transformers, at the same time I wanted to make a material without any links to external materials, without a lot of words and simple for ordinary programmers who are not burdened by the knowledge of mathematics and syntax of some functional programming language. Thus was born the idea to write another explanation of what is a monad. Since this post is aimed at programmers, and it will be approached by code and not by the text or mathematics. Ready? Let’s go.
Lets look at some simple code:
public static bool Bool ()
return new Random ().Next () % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
public static T GetData<T> ()
where T : class, new()
return Bool () ? null : new T ();
public static void Compare (string[] args)
var a = GetData<Object> ();
var b = GetData<Object> ();
if (a == b)
Console.WriteLine ("a == b");
Console.WriteLine ("a != b");
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
GetData function imitates a query to a data source and randomly returns instance of required data type or null. Compare function uses GetData for retrieving two values, compares them and writes output to console. What we as a good programmers should fix at first in this sample? Right, we should add null checks and use style of defensive programming.
public static void Compare (string[] args)
var a = GetData<Object> ();
if (a == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("Can't compare");
var b = GetData<Object> ();
if (b == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("Can't compare");
if (a == b)
Console.WriteLine ("a == b");
Console.WriteLine ("a != b");
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Ok, code now looks more safe, but we have repeated code, lets remove it to support DRY principle.
public static bool Defend (object o)
if (o == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("Can't compare");
return false;
return true;
public static void Compare (string[] args)
var a = GetData<Object> ();
if (Defend (a))
var b = GetData<Object> ();
if (Defend (b))
if (a == b)
Console.WriteLine ("a == b");
Console.WriteLine ("a != b");
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Looks better, but anyway we must add if check for every GetData invocation. Lets move if check into Defend function.
public static string Defend (object a, Func<object, string> f)
return a == null ? "Can't compare" : f (a);
public static void Compare (string[] args)
var res = Defend (GetData<Object> (),
(a) => Defend (GetData<Object> (),
(b) => a == b ? "a == b" : "a != b"));
Console.WriteLine (res);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Just perfect, but we have a problem in case of using some other type, for example class Test. During execution it will be downcasted to System.Object and we will not be able to use its members.
class Test
public Test ()
public string Text(){
return "test";
public static void Test(){
Defend2(new Test(), a=>a.Text());
// System.Object does not contain a definition for Text
We can avoid this problem with generic parameters.
public static T Defend<T> (T a, Func<T, T> f)
where T: class//applied only for T which can be null
return a == null ? "Can't compare" : f (a);
New problem, we are trying to return a type string instead of a type Test. And what to do? Lets create some type which could store a value or an error string.
public class Check<T> where T : class
public Check (String errorMessage)
IsFailed = true;
FailMesssage = errorMessage;
public Check (T val)
Value = val;
public bool IsFailed {
private set;
public string FailMesssage {
private set;
public T Value {
private set;
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format (
"[Check: IsFailed={0}, FailMesssage={1}, Value={2}]",
public static Check<TB> Defend<TA,TB> (TA a, Func<TA, TB> f)
where TA : class
where TB : class//applied only for TB and TA which can be null
return a == null
? new Check<TB> ("Can't compare")
: new Check<TB> (f (a));
Looks beautiful. In action:
public static void Compare (string[] args)
//expected Check<Test> but Check<Check<Test>>
Check<Test> res = Defend (GetData<Test> (),
a => Defend (GetData<Test> (),
b => a == b ? a : b));
Console.WriteLine (res);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!\n");
Problem again, our code returns Check< Check< T > > instead of Check< T > and it is not very good. We will change our code to avoid this problem.
public class Check<T> where T : class
private Check (T val)
Value = val;
public static Check<T> Success (T val)
return new Check<T> (val){ IsFailed = false };
public static Check<T> Fail ()
return new Check<T> (null){ IsFailed = true };
public bool IsFailed {
private set;
public T Value {
private set;
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format (
"[Check: IsFailed={0}, Value={2}]",
public static Check<TB> Defend<TA,TB> (Check<TA> a, Func<TA, Check<TB>> f)
where TA : class//applied only for TA which can be null
where TB : class//applied only for TB which can be null
return a.IsFailed ? Check<TB>.Fail () : f (a.Value);
public static Func<Check<T>> Lift<T> (Func<T> f)
where T : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return res == null ? Check<T>.Fail () : Check<T>.Success (res);
Now null check test lives in a Lift function. And the main task of the function is to wrap any function which returns T into function which returns Check< T >. Problem solved. We can think about it in this way: we have some functions and our function Defend. But to use them together we need to adapt all used functions to Defent function. And this is main purpose of the lift function.
public static void Compare (string[] args)
var getData = Lift<Test> (GetData<Test>);
Check<Test> res = Defend<Test,Test> (getData (),
a => Defend<Test,Test> (getData (),
b => a == b ? a : b));
//unable to cast Test to Check<Test>
Console.WriteLine (res);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!\n");
Problem, problem, problem. At the end we return result not wrapped into the Check type. Lets write some helper function which wraps any type T into the Check. The name of function will be return. Lets add it and do some refactoring
public class Check<T>
private Check (T val)
Value = val;
public static Check<T> Success (T val)
return new Check<T> (val){ IsFailed = false };
public static Check<T> Fail ()
return new Check<T> (default(T)){ IsFailed = true };
public bool IsFailed {
private set;
public T Value {
private set;
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format (
"[Check: IsFailed={0}, Value={1}]",
public static Check<TB> Defend<TA,TB> (Check<TA> a, Func<TA, Check<TB>> f)
return a.IsFailed ? Check<TB>.Fail () : f (a.Value);
public static Func<Check<T>> Lift<T> (Func<T> f)
where T : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return res == null ? Check<T>.Fail () : Check<T>.Success (res);
public static Check<T> Return <T> (T val)
return Check<T>.Success (val);
public static void DefesiveCompare (string[] args)
var getData = Lift<Test> (GetData<Test>);
Check<Test> res = Defend<Test,Test> (getData (),
a => Defend<Test,Test> (getData (),
b => Return (a == b ? a : b)));
Console.WriteLine (res);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Awesome, it works as expected. So what do we have? Wrapper type Check over any type T, two functions Defend and Return. And this is all what we need to write some defensive code without null checks. But we can write some other wrapper type and define functions Return and Defend over it with a different functionality in function Defend. It will allow us to use the same code, but now with different effect. For example instead of checking we can implement async effect(and we do that later). This pattern is well known as monad, and function Defnd has name Bind by convention in monad pattern. One minor problem is that our consuming code looks not very beautiful in terms of wrapped functions and we as imperative developers prefer simple line by line code. Fortunately for us, some solutions are already here. In some programming languages we have support for syntactic sugar over monads: linq expressions in c#, do notation in Haskell and computation expressions in fsharp. Computation expressions is not only for monad syntax, but we will discuss it in next posts. Lets try to adapt our code to linq expressions, we should implement extension function SelectMany for our wrapper type.
public class Check<T>
private Check (T val)
Value = val;
public static Check<T> Success (T val)
return new Check<T> (val){ IsFailed = false };
public static Check<T> Fail ()
return new Check<T> (default(T)){ IsFailed = true };
public bool IsFailed {
private set;
public T Value {
private set;
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format (
"[Check: IsFailed={0}, Value={1}]",
public static class CheckMonad
public static Check<T> Return<T> (this T value)
return Check<T>.Success (value);
public static Check<U> Bind<T, U> (this Check<T> m, Func<T, Check<U>> k)
return m.IsFailed ? Check<U>.Fail () : k (m.Value);
public static Func<Check<T>> Lift<T> (Func<T> f)
where T : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return res == null ? Check<T>.Fail () : Check<T>.Success (res);
public static Check<V> SelectMany<T, U, V> (
this Check<T> id,
Func<T, Check<U>> k,
Func<T, U, V> s)
return id.Bind (x => k (x).Bind (y => s (x, y).Return ()));
class Test
public Test ()
class MainClass
public static bool Bool ()
return new Random ().Next () % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
public static T GetData<T> ()
where T : class, new()
return Bool () ? null : new T ();
static void Main (string[] args)
var getData = CheckMonad.Lift<Test> (GetData<Test>);
var res =
from a in getData ()
from b in getData ()
select a == b ? a : b;
Console.WriteLine (res);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Now everything is ok. We can use this pattern to add syntactic sugar for other wrapper types. We can use the same code for differnet monads, until monad carries within itself the same type. For example, compare the code for the Async monad
var getData = AsyncMonad.Lift (GetData);
var res =
from a in getData ()
from b in getData ()
select a.Substring (0, 10) + b.Substring (10, 20);
and the Check monad
var getData = CheckMonad.Lift (GetData);
var res =
from a in getData ()
from b in getData ()
select a.Substring (0, 10) + b.Substring (10, 20);
Very cool, but there is a problem with the composition of monads. We would use the same code with functions that return Async< Check < T > >. However, our code in the Bind function of the type Async knows nothing about nested type Check, so our code will not work, our bind function unwraps only Async and returns Check < T > instead of T. Here monads transformers come into play. What is a monad transformer? This is a sort of thing which is taking an unknown monad as input, adds some functionality of other monad and returns a combined monad. Suppose in our case with monads Async< T > and Check< T > which could not be used together, we can write monads transformers AsyncT< T,ParentMonad > and CheckT< T, ParentMonad >.For our case Async< Check< T > > we can safely do something like this:
var getData = CheckT<T, Async<T>>.LiftT (AsyncMonad.Lift (GetData));
var res =
from a in getData ()
from b in getData ()
select a.Substring (0, 10) + b.Substring (10, 20);
Usually all “monad in c#”” tutorials ends here with words: this kind of things could exists in languages like Haskell which supports higher kinded types but not in c#. But we as a smart developers well know that we could implement some workaround over any problem, so lets try to create one. We will look on a typical example with Functor interface. When we solve that problem we will be able to use the same workaround for implementation of monad transformers in c#. So Functor interface looks like this:
interface IFunctor<T> {
T<B> FMap<A, B>(Func<A, B> f, T<A> a);
Nothing special is here, it describes a function which takes “a” value wrapped into a type T, unwraps it, applies function f to unwrapped value and finally wraps result into the type T. Everything seems to be ok, but we can’t write this code in C#. C# doesn’t support usage of type variable T as type constructor. I don’t want to describe whole problem here and better way to understand this restriction is to copy interface definition into IDE and play with it. It is a good puzzle. Lets try to analyse that problem and solve it step by step. Why do we need type T here? We need it as a constraint to input and output of FMap function. They should have the same wrapper type over different wrapped types. It guards us from incorrect implementations which takes Check< AType > and returns List< BType >. So we need to mark generic type by some other non generic type. How can we do that. It is simple.
public abstract class Wrapper
private Wrapper ()
public sealed class WrapperImpl<T> : Wrapper
Interesting. First of all we can be sure that instance of type Wrapper is the instance of type WrapperImpl. But we need to keep wrapped type somewhere to do safe upcast. Lets introduce special type container, which stores generic type marker with wrapped type. Also we need to rewrite WrapperImpl to support it.
public interface IGeneric<T, TCONTAINER>
public class Wrapper{
public sealed class WrapperImpl<T> : Wrapper, IGeneric<T, Wrapper>
Now we can add helper method for safe upcasts.
public static class GenericExts
public static TM UpCast<T, TM, TMB> (this IGeneric<T, TMB> m)
where TM : TMB, IGeneric<T, TMB>
return (TM)m;//safe for single inheritance
And now we can solve our Functor interface problem with type T.
public interface IFunctor<T>
CB FMap<A, B, CA, CB> (Func<A, B> f, CA a)
where CA : IGeneric<A, T>
where CB : IGeneric<B, T>;
Bingo. One restriction is to follow single inheritance pattern when describing our container classes. Lets try to use out Functor interface in csharp’s idiomatic way.
// interface IFunctor<T<_>> {
// T<B> FMap<A, B>(Func<A, B> f, T<A> a);
// }
public interface IGeneric<T, TCONTAINER>
public static class GenericExts
public static TM UpCast<T, TM, TMB> (this IGeneric<T, TMB> m)
where TM : TMB, IGeneric<T, TMB>
return (TM)m;//safe for single inheritance
public interface IFunctor<T>
CB FMap<A, B, CA, CB> (Func<A, B> f, CA a)
where CA : IGeneric<A, T>
where CB : IGeneric<B, T>;
public interface IFunctorSelf<TGENERIC, TSELF, TVALUE>
CB FMap<B, CB> (Func<TVALUE, B> f)
where CB : IGeneric<B, TGENERIC>;
public abstract class Wrapper
private Wrapper ()
public sealed class WrapperImpl<T> :
IGeneric<T, Wrapper>,
IFunctorSelf<Wrapper, WrapperImpl<T> , T>
#region IFunctorSelf implementation
public CB FMap<B, CB> (Func<T, B> f) where CB : IGeneric<B, Wrapper>
var res = new WrapperImpl<B> (f (Value));
return res.UpCast<B, CB,Wrapper> ();
public WrapperImpl (T val)
Value = val;
public T Value {
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
var a = new Wrapper.WrapperImpl<int> (1);
var b = a.FMap<int, Wrapper.WrapperImpl<int>> (x => -x);
Console.WriteLine ("Value is: " + b.Value);
Console.ReadLine ();
Now we have everything to implement IMonad interface and later build monad transformers on top of it.
public interface IMonad<T, TMI>
IMonad<TB,TMI> Return<TB> (TB val);
IMonad<TB,TMI> Bind<TB> (Func<T, IMonad<TB,TMI>> f);
public static class MonadSyntax
public static TM UpCast<T, TM, TMB> (this IMonad<T, TMB> m)
where TM : TMB, IMonad<T, TMB>
return (TM)m;//safe for single inheritance
public static IMonad<V, TMI> SelectMany<T, TMI, U, V>
this IMonad<T, TMI> id,
Func<T, IMonad<U, TMI>> k,
Func<T, U, V> s)
return id.Bind (x => k (x).Bind (y => id.Return (s (x, y))));
It should be clear what is going on here. We took our workaround for functor interface and applied it to our IManad interface. Now we can rewrite our Check monad and adapt it to out IMonad interface. Also now we can implement Async monad. Async monad implementation can be used as an example of how to adapt some existing type to monadic interface. In our case we will build Async monad on top of Task< T > type.
public class Check
Check ()
public sealed class CheckM<T>: Check, IMonad<T, Check>
#region IMonad implementation
public IMonad<TB, Check> Return<TB> (TB val)
return CheckM<TB>.Success (val);
public IMonad<TB, Check> Bind<TB> (Func<T, IMonad<TB, Check>> f)
return this.IsFailed ? CheckM<TB>.Fail () : f (this.Value);
CheckM (T val)
Value = val;
public static CheckM<T> Success (T val)
return new CheckM<T> (val){ IsFailed = false };
public static CheckM<T> Fail ()
return new CheckM<T> (default(T)){ IsFailed = true };
public bool IsFailed {
private set;
public T Value {
private set;
public override string ToString ()
return string.Format (
"[Check: IsFailed={0}, Value={1}]",
public static class CheckMonad
public static Func<Check.CheckM<TB>> Lift<TB> (this Func<TB> f)
where TB : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return res == null
? Check.CheckM<TB>.Fail ()
: Check.CheckM<TB>.Success (res);
public class Async
Async ()
public sealed class AsyncM<T>: Async, IMonad<T, Async>
#region IMonad implementation
public IMonad<TB, Async> Return<TB> (TB val)
return new AsyncM<TB>(Task<TB>.FromResult(val));
//helper method two tasks composition
private static async Task<TB> BindTasks<TB> (
Task<T> m,
Func<T, Task<TB>> f)
var r = await m;
return await f(r);//could be rewriten as return f(r);
public IMonad<TB, Async> Bind<TB> (Func<T, IMonad<TB, Async>> f)
return new AsyncM<TB>(BindTasks(this.Task,
(t) => f(t).UpCast<TB, AsyncM<TB>,
public AsyncM (Task<T> val)
Task = val;
public Task<T> Task {
public static class AsyncMonad
public static Func<Async.AsyncM<TB>> Lift<TB> (this Func<Task<TB>> f)
where TB : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return new Async.AsyncM<TB>(res);
Ok Check monad works but what about Async< T >?
class MainClass
public static Task<String> GetData ()
return new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync(
new Uri("")
static void Main (string[] args)
var getData = AsyncMonad.Lift (GetData);
var res =
from a in getData ()
from b in getData ()
select a.Substring(0,10) + b.Substring(10,20);
var task = res.UpCast<string, Async.AsyncM<string>, Async> ().Task;
Console.WriteLine (task.Result);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Console.ReadLine ();
It works as expected, we have polymorphic monads. Time for transformers. We have type Async< Check< T > > it is an Async monad over type Check< T >, but we want to convert it into a monad Async<Check<_>> over the type T. How to do that? We need to wrap Async<Check
public class CheckForT<TMI>
CheckForT ()
public sealed class CheckT<T>: CheckForT<TMI>, IMonad<T, CheckForT<TMI>>
#region IMonad implementation
public IMonad<TB, CheckForT<TMI>> Return<TB> (TB val)
return new CheckT<TB> (
Value.Return<CheckedVal<TB>> (
CheckedVal<TB>.Success (val)
private IMonad<CheckedVal<TB>,TMI> BindInternal<TB> (
CheckedVal<T> check,
Func<T, IMonad<TB, CheckForT<TMI>>> f)
return check.IsFailed
? Value.Return<CheckedVal<TB>> (CheckedVal<TB>.Fail ())
: f (check.Value).UpCast<TB, CheckT<TB>,CheckForT<TMI>> ().Value;
public IMonad<TB, CheckForT<TMI>> Bind<TB> (
Func<T, IMonad<TB, CheckForT<TMI>>> f)
var tmp = Value.Bind<CheckedVal<TB>> (
check => BindInternal (check, f)
return new CheckT<TB> (tmp);
public CheckT (IMonad<CheckedVal<T>,TMI> val)
Value = val;
public IMonad<CheckedVal<T>,TMI> Value {
private set;
public static class CheckMonad
public static Func<Check.CheckM<TB>> Lift<TB> (this Func<TB> f)
where TB : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return new Check.CheckM<TB> (CheckedVal<TB>.ToCheck (res));
public static Func<Check.CheckM<TB>> Lift<TB> (
this Func<CheckedVal<TB>> f)
where TB : class
return () => {
var res = f ();
return new Check.CheckM<TB> (res);
public static Func<CheckForT<TMI>.CheckT<TB>> LiftT<TB,TMI> (
this Func<IMonad<TB,TMI>> f)
where TB : class
Func<IMonad<CheckedVal<TB>,TMI>> checkF = () => {
var m = f ();
return m.Bind (val => m.Return (CheckedVal<TB>.ToCheck (val)));
return () => {
var monad = checkF ();
return new CheckForT<TMI>.CheckT<TB> (monad);
And now we are ready to implement code for Async< CheckedValue > monad.
public static Task<String> GetData ()
//return Task<String>.FromResult ((string)null);//for check tests
return new WebClient ().DownloadStringTaskAsync (
new Uri ("")
static void Main (string[] args)
var getData = CheckMonad.LiftT (AsyncMonad.Lift (GetData));
var res =
from a in getData ()
from b in getData ()
select a.Substring (0, 10) + b.Substring (10, 20);
var checkT = res.UpCast<string, CheckForT<Async>
.CheckT<string>, CheckForT<Async> > ();
var task = checkT
.UpCast< CheckedVal<string>,
Async> ()
Console.WriteLine (task.Result);
Console.WriteLine ("finished!");
Console.ReadLine ();
Full code here. So we composed two monads into single one and this is a real benefit for us, now we can write generic code which is polymorphic for different monad types and have a way to cmpose monads. One of the monads was just a wrapper over existing type Task